
All those working with children, young people and adults at risk must have the appropriate level of training according to their role.

To ensure that the learning is applicable for each staff group; Safeguarding training should be updated and contextualised to adopt the processes and support available within each agency.  Therefore, employees and volunteers are advised to undertake the training that is provided by their partner agency, irrespective of whether they have received this from within another organisation.

Invitation to Attend NHS Safeguarding LTW

James Paget Hospital- Safeguarding Conference 2024



Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent - various (click this link for flyer)

Safer Places Professional Training and Development Events | EventbriteSafer Places Professional Training and Development Events | Eventbrite

Safer Sleep


12th April: We have just published the first in our new series of podcasts, the first is an introduction to safeguarding, Tara and Anthony discuss the origins of Safeguarding and how it has evolved.

5th May: This is our podcast on Safer Sleep. Jackie Woods (Head of SIDS) joins Tara to give professional advice to mum’s as they go over and update the information Tara was given during her pregnancy.

Safer Sleep Podcast

November: Our latest Podcast focuses on the language we use as professionals:


Watch Yourself!

East of England Safeguarding Learning Platform:

The new East of England Learning Platform is free and open to all professionals and provides a range of learning and informative sessions developed in collaboration with partners across the East Region.

 The platform offers:

 Training Thursdays – a range of safeguarding topics and issues are delivered on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 12.30 to 13.30.

  • Learning Resources.

  • Recordings of the safeguarding training sessions.

 The link to the learning platform is below.

MASH Training

This is an opportunity to come face to face with The MASH Team and learn about the process behind arranging support for vulnerable adults and children. The sessions will provide you with the basic knowledge of how the MASH Works and a referral journey, as well as exploring the outcomes available. This course is suitable to anyone working with vulnerable adults and children either directly or in another role.

The courses are in person and held at Landmark House, Ipswich

The dates are:

19.09.2024 10am-12pm Face to Face at Landmark House

21.11.2024 10am-12pm Face to Face at Landmark House

27.02.2025 10am -12pm Face to Face at Landmark House

22.05.2025 10am -12pm Face to Face at Landmark House

Courses are booked via the link below.

(Courses are only available to Professionals)


E-learning Safeguarding Children training group 2-3

You are now able to book onto the e-learning Safeguarding Children group 2-3 training via Suffolk CPD it can be found under the Safeguarding banner. You will also find a wider suite of Safeguarding related training on offer.

Quality Assurance and Endorsement of Safeguarding Training

Partnership Partners' safeguarding training can be quality assured by our Professional Advisors, Tracy Murphy -, and Sadie Cable -, or contact us on 01473 265359 and we will advise you.

  • Single Agency Training Quality Assurance Process

Suffolk Safeguarding Adults Framework - Train the Trainer Events

The Suffolk Safeguarding Adults Framework is now published. To ensure that this is fully embedded within practice, we arranged for further Train-the-Trainer sessions to take place across Suffolk to train one member of each organisation who will then be responsible for training staff within that organisation.

All training materials from the sessions can be downloaded below:

Specialist dementia training for care providers

The following courses are available via the Suffolk Association of Independent Care Providers:

  • Understanding dementia

  • Communication with people living with dementia

  • Understanding distress and unmet needs

Visit SAICP's website here for more information.

Safeguarding Children Training

Frequency of Safeguarding Training

All staff new to post in Suffolk should undertake the safeguarding training relevant for their role. Please refer to the Competence Does Matter documents for Adults and Children’s for a summary of role specific training. As a minimum all staff should undertake the ME Learning Online training (please see below).

Competence Does Matter – Adults

Competence Does Matter – Children’s

 All professionals working in safeguarding should refresh their safeguarding training every two to three years. Social Workers and Family Support Practitioners should discuss the need to refresh their safeguarding training with their manager at their PDR.

Joint Adults and Children Training

ME Learning - Online Training

Whilst the Safeguarding Partnership advocates 'face-to-face' training, it recognises that this is not always possible. To support our partners, basic introduction level ME e-Learning Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adults courses are available and are designed to ensure staff can recognise potential signs of abuse or neglect and know what they should do. They take 2-3 hours to complete.

Please note - this system is not intended to replace Level 3 and 4 'face-to-face' training for social workers, childminders or staff who attend child protection conferences; it is for Level 1 and 2 Introduction to Safeguarding only.

To access the ME Learning courses, please visit and register. The instructions below will help access the courses.

If you have any questions please contact the Suffolk County Council Workforce Development Team on or 01473 260464

  • SuffolkCPD Instructions

Early Years and Childcare Providers Safeguarding Training

Please see the information on our dedicated Early Years and Childcare page.

Schools' Safeguarding Training

Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership (SSP) has tried not to be overly prescriptive about how often schools deliver training courses. It is important that all new members of staff receive at least 2 hours Introduction to Safeguarding training and have a good understanding of basic safeguarding. Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) Sept 2016 recommends that staff are updated ‘at least annually’.

Section 13 states - All staff members should receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training which is regularly updated. In addition, all staff members should receive safeguarding and child protection updates (for example, via email, e-bulletins and staff meetings), as required, but at least annually, to provide them with relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively.

SSP recommends that schools give regular (at least annually, in line with KCSIE) updates for staff on recent safeguarding issues and agendas. Once this has been delivered, staff training records are updated and evaluations kept as evidence. These would sit alongside the ‘basic’ training records to form a complete safeguarding training portfolio for each member of staff.
Schools Choice deliver safeguarding training in Suffolk and can be contacted on:

The Partnership quality assures Schools Choice training. However, schools are not obligated to use them to deliver their safeguarding training.